brie watson

Enriching your birth

What is a

birth doula ?

A birth doula is a trained professional that provides resources, expertise, and experience to expanding families during pregnancy, birth and postpartum. A doula will guide the birthing person during labor and delivery, acting as a bridge between them and their surrounding environment. Doulas do not provide medical attention to their clients.

Why a doula is essential for your birth experience.

The number one focus during your journey into parenthood is caring for your body and baby. In a society full of information, a doula will help ease the stress that comes along with navigating all the information that comes your way. Doula support has been shown to improve birth outcomes and increase birth satisfaction rates. A doula will support yours and your partners emotional wellbeing, allowing space to optimally bring your baby into the world.

The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG)

"...continuous one-to-one emotional support provided by support personnel, such as a doula, is associated with improved outcomes for women in labor."

Cochrane Library

"Continuous support in labour may improve a number of outcomes for both mother and baby...Continuous support from a person who is present solely to provide support, is not a member of the woman's own network, is experienced in providing labour support, and has at least a modest amount of training (such as a doula), appears beneficial."

Get to know Brie

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Welcome to Birth with Brie! My name is Brie, ​and I have a deep passion for fertility, especially ​in regards to pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. ​I began birth work in 2016 but felt called to ​serve in this role as a young girl. My most fond ​childhood memories revolve around my ​mother’s pregnancy with my younger sister. ​While pursuing my education in Microbiology, I ​shadowed birth workers in multiple settings, ​attended several births, worked in the intensive ​care unit at Pullman Regional Hospital, and ​worked at Moscow/Pullman OBGYN as a Medical ​Assistant. I recently experienced firsthand the ​beauty of pregnancy and birth with my firstborn ​daughter. I love connecting with people and the ​incredible world around me! I am excited to get ​to know you and to support you during one of ​the most transformative times of yours and ​your families life!

With love, Brie


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How the process works

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-Social Media



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Free Consultation

-Bring whoever and any questions!

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Plan Icon


-We will create a tailored support plan to fit your needs!

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Travel journey


-Together through pregnancy, birth, postpartum

Packages & Pricing

Legs of a newborn baby lying in a couveuse. The child has just been born and is in the hospital clinic with his mother. Natural childbirth. Cesarean section.
Mother Organizing Maternity Bag
Pregnant Woman Holding Tummy

Price: Discuss at Consultation

planned cesarean birth

FREE 1hr consultation

-12/7 phone support in preg.

-Birth support during deli​very

-1 prenatal, 1 postpartum v​isit

-Postpartum phone sup​port up to 1mo postpa​rtum

Price: Discuss at Consultation

Birth plan only

-Two hour consultation

-Reliable resources

-Custom plan

-Editing throughout pregnancy up to delivery


full support

FREE 1hr consultation

-12/7 phone support in preg.

-24/7 call st​arting at 36weeks

-Labor and​ delivery support

-2 prenatal, 1​ postpartum visit

-Postpar​tum phone support up ​t​o ​1m​o postpartum



*Most insurances assist with the cost of a doula. Please contact me to assist you in looking into this benefit!

Package & Pricing

Beautiful Lily and Space for Text on Dark Background. Funeral Flower

bereavement support

Refunds available when loss is experienced during pregnancy, delivery, or up to 24hr postpartum. Continued phone support and resources for up to 6 mo post loss.


Sister with Newborn

sibling doula

FREE 1hr consultation

-1 hr childcare before delivery

-24​/7 call starting at 36weeks

-​Full childcar​e during labor and deli​very

-Four 1 hour ch​ildcare sessions postpartum

Price: Discuss at Consultation

New born opening eyes for the first time after birth

birth only support

FREE 1hr consultation

-24/7 call starting at 36weeks

-Labor & birth support

-Immediate 1-2 hr ​postpartum support

-Postpartum phone support ​up to 1mo postpartum

Price: Discuss at Consultation

*Most insurances assist with the cost of a doula. Please contact me to assist you in looking into this benefit!


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How long will you be with me during labor and delivery?

All labors progress at varying rates. When labor begins I will be with you as soon as possible and stay with you until 1-2 hours post delivery depending on yours and your partners preference. The progression/tolerance of your labor will determine how timely I join you. I will give you and your partner space during a long labor if desired.

How will you support my partner and what should they know about a doula?

My job as a doula is to support the birthing person and their main support person. I am not there to interfere in intimate moments but rather to help serve a growing family in whatever ways fit their needs. Your partner should know that I am available to help answer questions they have and we will all work together to clearly communicate roles during your birth experience.

How do I make a birth plan?

We will spend extensive time getting you the resources and information that you need to develop your ideal preferences in birth. I also support my clients in embracing their greatest fears/worst case scenarios so that we can create a plan on how we would manage them and what your options are. This allows you to keep space for change and conquer fears that are negative towards your birth experience.